Food Truck Business Marketing and Connecting with your customers
Social media will be a very important aspect of your business and success. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are tools that many food truck owners use to let their loyal customers know where they will be operating each day, what they will be serving (cue amazing food photo), and spread the word about their business. Social media also gives customers a chance to interact with you and your business by reviewing your food or posting their own photos of their meal.
It is a good idea to activate the relevant social media before you are even up and running so that you can start building an audience. Create excitement over your new unique business!

It is the Venture Food Trucks team commitment to our customers that each mobile food unit is built to the highest standards.
In the food truck industry, being prepared for the start of the season is crucial. We build on strict deadlines and can flat bed or deliver your truck to your door anywhere in the world.
We have a skilled team of people who will assist you with your food truck purchase and support you and your business for years to come.