Mobile kitchen business guide
Here, Venture Food Trucks provides you with a guideline for anyone interested to buy a food truck. Like all blossoming start-ups, a plan is important. This Mobile kitchen business guide is designed to show you how to start your new business while avoiding as many snags and extra costs that can happen along the way. It can be useful for anyone interested in a container kitchen, concession trailer, or food truck! If you are hard-working and operate concession truck/trailer business professionally, you stand a high chance of being very successful!
We are a food truck manufacturer that also has real life industry experience! Please visit our straightforward guide for starting a food truck business, food truck financing, and more.

It is the Venture Food Trucks team commitment to our customers that each mobile food unit is built to the highest standards.
In the food truck industry, being prepared for the start of the season is crucial. We build on strict deadlines and can flat bed or deliver your truck to your door anywhere in the world.
We have a skilled team of people who will assist you with your food truck purchase and support you and your business for years to come.